Right about now, more than ever, we could all use a little more help making our lives simpler and easier. Since it’s day 23423 of quarantine, I also know that you’re probably pretty over this whole cooking and figuring out what to eat thing. But you and/or your kids still need to eat everyday...every hour for some of them. So I want you to imagine if you could...
🥘Easy, quick ways to figure out what to eat 🥙Getting organized so you’re not stressed when it’s time for dinner 🍲Long term planning options where you can have meals for weeks and months PLUS, check out these BONUSES: 💚2 Week Meal Plan + Grocery Shopping List (That I Make Live in the Class) 💚 So...What’s for Dinner Meal Planning Guide 💚Meal Planning Cheat Sheet A $90+ value all for $27! Learn more here. (Price will go up to $47 after the class, and all attendees will receive the replay. So even if you can’t attend live, don’t miss out on the deal, because all who register will get You Can:
If this isn’t something you’re interested in, but know someone this will help, feel free to forward this email to them. As always, stay safe and (mostly likely still) stay home.
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...a partnership Addy Daddy Seasonings and Sauces
If you’ve been around here for a minute, you know that I believe in eating healthy food that still tastes good. Y’all also know that I focus on adding flavor to your food without having a ton of extra salt. So I have some exciting news to share that combines those both!
I’ve decided to partner with Addy Daddy Seasonings and Sauces which is a black owned business based out of Texas that focuses on the things you and I love good tasting food that you feel good about. Their seasonings are healthier than Lawry’s or Sazon because they use sea salt or Pink Himalayan Sea Salt. They’re also delicious because they include seasonings I already use and recommend to y’all like Cumin, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, and of course Smoked Paprika. (Y’all know how much I love Smoked Paprika.) I use them in our house when I want to get dinner done quicker or to add some variety to dishes we have often like salmon. To learn more about this awesome company, catch me on Saturday June 20th @ 6 pm where I’ll be cooking live with Mr. Addy Daddy himself, Adeola where we’ll be making Shrimp Tacos with a Chipotle Cream Sauce over on my Instagram. If you’d like to check out the seasonings before then, visit their site to learn more and you’ll get 15% off your first order with code CHEFASHLEYSHEP at checkout. My favorites are the “Everything” and the S.B.F. (I use that on everything).
So if you’re looking for another recipe idea then tune in this Saturday, June 20th @ 6 pm EDT over on Instagram. Click my face at the top when it says live. Or if you are a Facebook fan, I’ll be broadcasting from there too, but honestly the angles will be much better on Insta.
If you want to cook along with us or make it afterwards, here’s the recipe: INGREDIENTS:
See you Saturday! *I don’t endorse or partner with any company, unless I absolutely love their product. Integrity is way more important to me than any affiliate commission ever earned, and most times I get coins or nothing back at all by recommending things. Also, I’m the type of person that reads all the bad reviews on Amazon before buying something, so I got you covered. Now what they do after I’ve recommended them is another story (in light of companies taking different sides on issues such as Black Lives Matter), but any time before that you’re good to go. If you purchase from links I provide, I may receive a small amount back at no extra cost to you. VOYAGE ATL INTERVIEWSo moms have a way of getting you to do stuff that you weren’t really trying to do…
even though it’s what you should do. The same is true for my momma. When she heard that I was featured in VoyageATL Magazine’s Local Stories Series and that I didn't share it with anyone, she did what every good Southern mother would do: tell everybody about it herself. But since she’s tech savvy, that means she shared it and tagged me accordingly on social media. Which led to others reposting it and celebrating me. Which felt wonderful, but honestly also kinda weird. (Like when people sing happy birthday to you and you’re like doing the Chrissy Teigan awkward smile waiting for the time to pass.) It’s not that I wasn’t going to post it, I was just a little preoccupied with this new little person that’s come into our lives (aka Baby William). And then another part of me wasn’t sure exactly how to share without having it seem like I was bragging. I pride myself on being humble...which actually sounds like an oxymoron now that I think about it. So I guess what I’m trying to say is... sometimes it’s hard for me to take time to celebrate the wins in life especially if I’m the center of attention. At times I find myself downplaying them when really I should take time to stop and bask in the fabulosity of accomplishments...no matter how big or small they are. And thank God that He’s chosen me for the moment. And I have a feeling that you might need to do a little bit of that too. So I’m taking a cue from my momma and sharing the interview with you. During our chat, I talk about how I got my inspiration for Chef Ashley Shep back in 2015. You may be surprised to find out that my story started out very similar to yours. (Hint: I didn’t always have my food life together.) Click the link to check it out. Oh and remember that your food life doesn’t have to end the way it starts. I also talk about how sometimes I can overthink things (like I mentioned above) and how I’m working on overcoming that. Maybe you can relate? Either way, take a little time today to celebrate a win in your life no matter how big or small it may be. Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 20 minutes Serving 4 Ingredients 1 lb Ground Turkey 1/3 cup honey 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 tablespoon reduced sodium soy sauce 1 tablespoon seasoned rice vinegar 1 tablespoon sesame oil 1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger 1 tablespoon Sriracha black pepper 1/2 teaspoons sesame seeds, optional to top 2 green onions, thinly sliced 2 teaspoons Onion powder 2 teaspoons Garlic powder 1 bell pepper, diced 1/2 yellow onion, diced 1 serrano pepper, diced 1 lb green vegetable, of choice (green beans, broccoli, asparagus, snap peas, etc.) 1 cup Uncooked brown rice, or pack noodles Directions
Hey! Everybody over on Facebook and Instagram today I'm gonna be making a Spicy Asian Ground Turkey and this is one of the meals that's on my family dinner meal kits this week. So, if you ordered this week, definitely check it out, if you did not order, you want to check in and see what you are missing. So, if you see me little back and forth I'm looking at Facebook and Instagram. I'm gonna go ahead and tag I'm sorry! I'm gonna go ahead and pin the title over on Instagram and with this (um), with this- Oh! Let me introduce myself, I am Chef Ashley Shep. I am a personal chef in the Atlanta area and a mealtime strategist, I help busy families get dinner done faster with quick and easy healthy meals. So (um) I might go ahead and get started, this is
gonna be a very quick meal, I'm trying to finish before this is us comes on which probably won't happen, we'll see um and so if you are just tuning in, let me know where you're watching from and what you're having for dinner. So um if you are not familiar with me, the meals that I offer for the, sorry if I keep playing with the my phone on , my phone's Instagram is acting up. Anyway um if you are not familiar with the meals that I offer, you get everything I've packaged up individually. Everything is sliced, diced, and pre-seasoned so it's ready to go and it makes it a lot faster because you don't have to worry about the chopping, dicing, slicing any of that stuff. So, So, in my pan I have some sesame oil, you don't have to use sesame oil if you don't have it but for me since this is an Asian dish I decided to use it when you order the meal kits, the sesame oil will already be added into your sauce. So, inside here I have some green onion the white ends of the green onions. I have some yellow onions and then some serrano peppers and so, I like a lot of onions so this is a lot in it and I'm just gonna heat this up over medium heat and when you order you are actually able to, that all the instructions come with it so you don't have to worry about if you're not sure if you're making something correctly everything is ready in five steps or less so you also are not having to worry if you're not doing it correct, if you're not doing it right. So sorry, if I just said that, so I will let these caramelize just a little bit so I have them over medium-high heat. I'm tryin' to fix my phone over on Instagram sorry people are just looking at my shirt and my pan, might have to move this around. Well, I might just switch you over here and to save time I went ahead and already browned the turkey, I have already browned the Turkey, so I already have it here. all I did was some garlic powder and onion powder on this And, one quick meal prep tip is to actually prep your meats at the beginning of the week and in that way you don't have to worry about doing it later in the week. So, I did about three pounds of ground turkey, I use half of it for pasta so that's what we ate tonight and then the other half I'm using this recipe. And, so while I am cooking let me know, if you have any questions in the comments, I will be checking them out periodically so while that's cooking um when you receive your items, this will be packaged up this is our sauce that were using and inside here we have garlic, there is sriracha which is an Asian hot sauce and then it's actually a Thai hot sauce and then also we have ginger, a little sesame oil, and here we be what comes in here. All the ingredients are listed on the instruction sheet that you will get when you order your meals and you don't have to worry about mixing your sauce is all ready to go. You might want to stir it a little bit when you get it just because things tend to settle um and so to just stir or swish it around in the baggie that you get it and and you'll be good to go. If you were doing, if you had not already cook (sorry). If you had not already cooked your ground turkey ahead of time, then once your onions get a little soft, then you would go-ahead and add that in, then let it cook thoroughly obviously and then add your sauce. Since, it's already cooked that we've saved a little bit of time I'm gonna check the comments and scroll up and see who's there. Hey Catherine! Thanks for tuning in over on Instagram and then we have Sweet Buddy mama thanks for tuning. Let's go down okay Catherine so she's in Burlington. So Catherine, you could do the same recipe with meat crumbles or you can use tempeh, it's a really good option, if you're going to use tempeh, you boil it beforehand so that the pores open up and then you also would wanna, you also want to marinate it as well which means just to soak it in your sauce or your seasonings and it's gonna absorb all the things that you for it to absorb. Okay, let me check the comments over on Facebook and see if there's anything I missed. Alright! So, cooking down my um peppers is gonna kind of take away some of that heat and your family's not very big into heat then you can definitely not use this many other peppers but there is honey inside of the sauce so that's gonna have that kind of calm down a little bit. Alright, so I'm gonna go ahead and add some of my ground turkey and like I said my ground turkey is already cooked if yours was not cooked and obviously, you need to cook that at that step and each of the meals come with four servings. So, if you have a family of four, it's perfect! Or if it's just you and your husband, a family of two or if you are a single parent and just have one kid, then you can have some leftovers for lunch the next day which is nice. I'm gonna add a little bit of my sauce, just to kind of break it up a little bit. And really all of these meals are able to be completed in 30 minutes or less that was something that I was really focused on whenever I create them or whenever I'm looking at different recipes because I know as parents or just busy working people you really don't have time to be in the kitchen all day. So, I pick recipes that are five steps or less and that they can be ready in about 30 minutes or less so that may you have time to do other things. Also many of the recipes are able to be placed in the crock-pot or the pressure cooker, if you have an instant pot like this over here! There are modifications that you can do to have that be an option. Alright, so I'm gonna add the rest of my sauce. All of the ingredients that I use are easy to pronounce their whole foods. You're not having to worry about lots of chemicals inside of your food and you will get an instruction sheet that has the ingredients, that has allergy warnings. Everything you need, so that way, you can know if you can eat it or not. Of course, beforehand once you join or once you sign up to be a client and of course I check your, I checked your allergies to make sure that there are things, if there are things that you would like for me to avoid then I will do that for you and your family. Alright so we're doing good, mixing all this together and with this would come, it will come rice, brown or white rice. In my case I'm gonna use brown rice and then also the veggies or in my case are gonna be green beans and so when you get yours they'll come up they'll come in a package or good about a pound of whatever the veggie is. This week for my client they got asparagus instead because I like to mix it up and what I'm gonna do with this is just add it directly on top of my dish. I'm doing the, close in a little quick so you can see how it looks. Okay so I will add it right on top of the dish and with that's gonna do is it's gonna absorb some of that sauce and some of that seasoning and then it's also gonna steam them so I'm gonna put a lid on this. And then at about five, max five minutes depending upon how crunchy or how soft you like your veggies to be, this will be ready to go. I could also top this with some sesame seeds as well. Let me get my lid and once that's done, dinner is done! Um, with my rice I can make that ahead of time I usually like to do at the beginning of the week I'll just put it in the pressure cooker so that way it's ready to go and I don't have to worry about when it's time for dinner oh I forgot to put the right off. So um that is a meal and about let's see if let me check my time, less than ten minutes. And so if this is something that you are interested in and you're in the Atlanta area. Then, you definitely want to click on the link in my bio or if you're on Facebook click on the link in this video and these are Chef Ashley Shep's Family Meal Kits, things are ready in 30 minutes or less. In this case 10 minutes! If we had to cook the ground turkey at probably it will take an additional 8 to 10 minutes but that's nothing. If you have older children this is also something you could pass on to them to do because each of the recipes come with a quick instruction sheet. Things are ready in 5 steps or less, 30 minutes or less and so it's a great option if you are in the Northeast Atlanta area, we do offer delivery and pick up. If you have any questions, please post them in the comments below or if you know a mom or dad or a busy person who just does not have time to I was gonna say that time to eat, we all have time to eat, um a person who doesn't have time to cook then definitely tag them in the comments and then I'll be sure to check any questions that you have and I'll answer them. So, thank you again! My name is Chef So, thank you again! My name is Chef Ashley Shep have a good evening! Recently, I got the chance to chat with one of my food biz friends, Concita Thomas. Concita is a Food and Fitness Strategist who helps busy moms find figure friendly alternatives to Get It Off and Keep It Off for life long healthy habits. During the podcast interview, we talked about all things food, but because I know you're busy, I'm sharing the highlights below in case you don't have time to hear it all (even though you should), so instead you can fast forward and get what you really need to hear. You can also listen to the full episode here. Show Topics:1:11 – Get It Off Keep It Off Coaching Program Promo 2:42 – Chef Ashley Shep’s Introduction 3:11 – Why People Don’t Cook at Home Often These Days 6:48 – What Stops People Who Do Cook from Home from Making Healthy Meals 11:45 – Tricks of the Trade to Make the Process Faster 17:50 – The Kitchen Tools & Apps We Need 22:58 – Common Mistakes to Avoid 30:10 – Fierce Follow-Up 30:40 – Become a Fierce Friend
Check out the video below to get more information about how to join the Daniel Fast 21 Day Food and Faith Challenge.
Here’s what folks had to say about last year’s challenge:
2019 is almost here which means that it's time to check in with ourselves and see what kind of things we can recycle, declutter, and get rid of finally! Check out this recording of where I speak with Nonnahs Driskill of Get Organized Already about how to get our kitchens in order quickly.
Also, get your free checklist of the 10 things you can easily toss or donate to make your kitchen feel less cluttered! 10 THINGS TO GET RID OF IN THE NEXT 10 DAYS WITH GUEST NONNAHS DRISKILL OF GET ORGANIZED ALREADYClick above to watch Nonnahs Driskill, (Professional Organizer at Get Organized Already) and I talk about decluttering your kitchen in easy steps.
AuthorAs a self taught culinary creator, Chef Ashley decided to take her love of food to the masses by launching her brand that focuses on ways to be "healthyish", simplifying meal time, and dispelling the rumor that delicious food has to have tons of salt and fat. She believes that meal prep isn't just for the super health conscious and that it can help us all to take back the hours stolen by our kitchens. She began her meal prep journey as a way to save time and energy, but ended up finding a calling. |