Newly Vegan eBook Bonuses
Going vegan or eating more vegetables will go a lot easier when you have help! Here are some resources and links to help make the process go a lot smoother.
Instagram/Facebook Pages To Follow: Vegan Podcasts & Websites:
These links store recipes, create grocery shopping lists, and allow you to order your groceries. In Plan to Eat, you have to add in your own recipes (copy & paste from Pinterest) and I'll share mine with you too. The Dope Vegan Meal Planner already has recipes in it from culinary creators like me.
Plan to Eat
Dope Vegan Meal Planner - already has vegan recipes
Instagram/Facebook Pages To Follow: Vegan Podcasts & Websites:
- No Meat Athlete
- I Love Vegan - Transitioning to Vegan
These links store recipes, create grocery shopping lists, and allow you to order your groceries. In Plan to Eat, you have to add in your own recipes (copy & paste from Pinterest) and I'll share mine with you too. The Dope Vegan Meal Planner already has recipes in it from culinary creators like me.
Plan to Eat
Dope Vegan Meal Planner - already has vegan recipes
Need a place to plan out your meals?
Click a the pic below to start your first week of the Dope Vegan Meal Planner for FREE!
Use the planner to:
- Get lots of vegan recipes to choose from
- Have grocery shopping lists made for you
- Save tons of time & energy not worrying if something is a tasty vegan option
- Order groceries for pick up or delivery
- Eat vegan without having to buy a ton of random ingredients
- Save money by only buying what you need and will use
- Know exactly what's for dinner before you even leave for work.
Sis, the struggle doesn't have to be real anymore. Click here to try out the Dope Vegan Meal Planner today.
Note: Some links may be affiliate ones meaning that I get some money back if you decide to purchase. I only recommend products and services that I love or have thoroughly reviewed, but I just have to give you a heads up.